Friday, January 31, 2014

Greetings and Salutations!
Well its time to begin the journey, Shari and I are at Ft. Lauderdale airport  awaiting to depart on the first leg of our trip.  Thanks Judith for driving us to the airport.  Much to our chagrin  US Air dosen't have a first class lounge so we're hanging out in the main terminal, Home of the $9.00 draft beer and heat lamp warmed pizza.  We'll be boarding shortly for our flight into Charlotte NC. so its all good.  Stay tuned more to follow !

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Well gentle readers this is my first attempt at blogging so please bear with me during the learning process.  Ten days from now my girlfriend Shari and Me will be departing for South East Asia. This will be Shari's 3rd trip to the Orient in as many years. This will be my first and though I have some reservations about being gone for such an extended period of time I am looking forward to the Asian experience.  We will be departing from Sunny Ft. Lauderdale Fl. on Jan.31st. 2014.  Our 1st stop will be in Charlotte NC with an 8 hr. layover. Then on Feb.1st 2014 we're off to Washington DC to catch our overseas flight to Beijing China. Its winter time in Beijing and from what I have read in the news the smog is pretty bad there.  Our stay will be about a day and a half in Beijing then we depart for Taipei Taiwan for a brief 16 hr. stay. On Feb.5th we depart from Taipei for our main destination of Ho Chi Min City (Saigon) Vietnam. We have secured a small apartment through Shari's friend in Saigon to use as our base camp while in Vietnam. Our main mode of transportation will be 50cc motor scooters while in Saigon. I heard there's about 8 million residents in Saigon and 7 million have motor bikes, should be a hoot ! Yes my USA motorcycle friends we will be Scooter Trash.  We are hoping to venture into Cambodia and perhaps Laos while we are there as well as trips to Da Nang and Na Trang which are in the central part of Vietnam. I'll post photos and trip updates along the way. In the mean time be well,